Android Projects

1. Accident Detection & Alert Android App
2. Advanced CRM Android Application
3. Advanced Tour Guide
4. AI Chatbot App using Dialog Flow in Flutter
5. AI-Based Picture Translation App
6. Android – PC Chatting & Image Sharing System
7. Android AI Diet Consultant
8. Android Attendance System
9. Android Attendance System Using RFID
10. Android Auction System App Project
11. Android Based Electronic Appliance Comparison Project
12. Android Based Encrypted SMS System
13. Android Based Furniture Shopping
14. Android Based Image Steganography
15. Android Based Parking Booking System
16. Android based QR Parking Booking
17. Android Based School Bus Tracking System
18. Android Based Self Attendance System Using OTP
19. Android Based Universal Ticketing Project
20. Android Based Vehicle Tracking Project
21. Android Based Visual Product Identification For The Blind
22. Android Battery Saver System
23. Android Blood Bank
24. Android Blood Donation & Blood Bank Finder
25. Android Bluetooth Chat
26. Android Boat Crossing Game App
27. Android Book Store Project
28. Android Bookaholics Circle
29. Android Campus Portal With Graphical Reporting
30. Android Campus Recruitment System
31. Android Carpool Ride Sharing App
32. Android Civil Administration Reporting Project
33. Android College Attendance System
34. Android College Connect Chat App
35. Android Crime Reporter & Missing Person Finder
36. Android Customer Relationship Management App
37. Android Customer Relationship Management System
38. Android Dabbawala Project
39. Android Electricity Bill Payment Project
40. Android Employee Tracker
41. Android Expense Tracker
42. Android Expiry Reminder App Using OCR
43. Android File finder and Sorting
44. Android File Finder and Sorting App
45. Android File Manager Application Project
46. Android Food order and delivery app
47. Android General Knowledge Chatbot
48. Android Geo Fencing App for Workforce Tracking
49. Android Geo Fencing App Project
50. Android Geofencing App for COVID Quarantine
51. Android Graphical Image Password Project
52. Android Graphical Information System
53. Android Grocery Management App
54. Android Group Expense Tracker Application
55. Android Heart Disease Prediction App
56. Android Help Assistance Near Me
57. Android Hostel Management System App
58. Android Inventory Tracker
59. Android Investment Tracker App
60. Android Job Portal System App
61. Android Joystick Application
62. Android Law System Project
63. Android Local Geofence System
64. Android Local Train Ticketing Project
65. Android location Alarm
66. Android Merchant Application Using Qr
67. Android Messenger App
68. Android Micro Drone With Obstacle Detector
69. Android Multi Layer Pattern Locking Project
70. Android Musical Instrument Store Project
71. Android OCR Snap & Share Application
72. Android Offloading Computation Over Cloud
73. Android Paper Free Document Sharing App Project
74. Android Patient Tracker
75. Android Pc Controller Using Wifi
76. Android Personal Safety App
77. Android Phone Hardware Tester App
78. Android Phone Theft Security With GPS Tracking
79. Android Place Marker
80. Android Places Finder Project
81. Android Query Generator
82. Android Sentence Framer Application
83. Android Smart Alarm System
84. Android Smart Bus Pass App
85. Android Smart City Traveler
86. Android Smart Health Monitoring System
87. Android Smart Sticky Notes Application Project
88. Android Smart Ticketing System using RFID
89. Android Smart Ticketing Using Rfid
90. Android Step Counter App
91. Android Task Monitoring
92. Android Text Encryption Using Various Algorithms
93. Android Tour & Travel Agency Project
94. Android Tourist Guide Project
95. Android TTS OCR Converter System for People with Visual Disability
96. Android Vehicle Toll Payment System
97. Android Vehicle Tracking Application
98. Android Vehicle Tracking with Speed Limiting
99. Android Video Encryption & Sharing
100. Android Voice Based Train Time-Table
101. Android Voting System
102. Android Voting System Using Face Recognition
103. Android Women Safety App
104. Arduino based Snake Robot Controlled using Android Application
105. Automated Canteen Ordering System using Android
106. Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture
107. Bank Beacon Android App
108. Barbershop Service Booking App
109. Biometric Student Attendance System App
110. Body Pose Detection App using Google ML-Kit Flutter
111. Brain Tumor and Alzheimer’s Detection Flutter App
112. Bus Pass Android Project
113. Cab Booking Android Application
114. Calorie Calculator & Suggester Android App
115. Canteen Automation System using Android
116. Child Monitoring System App
117. College Selector App
118. Contact Recognition App Using Fingerprint Sensor
119. Covid Contact Tracing Android Application
120. Currency Detector App for Visually Impaired
121. Custom Keyboard Android App
122. Daily Route Planner
123. Dementia Virtual Memory App
124. Digital Fare Meter App for Drivers Based on Flutter
125. Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat App
126. Elevator Saga: Fun Game Flutter App
127. Emergency Ambulance Booking App
128. Event Registration System with QR Code
129. Face Authentication App using Microsoft’s Cognitive Service
130. Face Detection Using Mobile Vision API
131. Financial Status Analysis Using Credit Score Rating Based On Android
132. Fingerprint Authenticated Secure Android Notes
133. Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation
134. Floating Camera Widget Android
135. Flutter Based Barter Trading System App
136. Flutter Based Bill Reminder App
137. Flutter Based Calories Tracker App
138. Flutter Based House Bidding Application
139. Flutter based Interview Preparation App
140. Flutter based Music Player App
141. Flutter based Online Auction App
142. Flutter Based Online Helpdesk System
143. Flutter based SMS Scheduler App
144. Flutter Medicine Tracker and Notification App
145. Flutter Payment Reminder App
146. Friendly Map Android Application for Disabled People
147. Geo Trends Classification Over Maps Android
148. Graphical Password Authentication for Android App using Persuasive Cued Click Point
149. Grocery Shopping Android
150. Gym Trainer & Progress Tracker App
151. Hangman Game: Vocabulary Building Flutter App
152. Herb & Grocery Shopping Android App
153. Hotel Reservation Android
154. Hourly Bicycle Rental Android App
155. Image Analysis Application & Image Insight using Google’s Cloud Vision API
156. Indoor Navigation System App using Flutter
157. Instant Plasma Donor Recipient Connector Android App
158. Intelligent Mobile Travel Guide Flutter App
159. Intelligent Tourist System Project
160. Library Management System with SMS Autoreply
161. Location Finder App using Android Phone & Cloud Vision API
162. Lost Item Tracker App
163. Medical Search Engine Project
164. Memory Card Game Flutter App
165. Mobile Attendance System Project
166. Mobile Based Attendance System
167. Mobile Quiz Through WiFi Project
168. Mobile Wallet With Merchant Payment Using Android
169. Money Management App for Expense Planning Flutter
170. Multi Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System
171. Music and Shows Finder Flutter App
172. Online Driver Hiring Android App
173. Organ Donation Android Application
174. PC Control By Android Over Internet
175. Periodic Bell & Timetable Reminder App
176. Personal diary for Visually Impaired with Microsoft Cognitive Services
177. Personal Goal Tracking App using Flutter
178. Photo Viewer Android Project
179. Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker using OCR
180. Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating
181. Public News Droid
182. Railway Ticket Booking System Using Qr Code
183. Railway Ticket Booking System Using QR Codes
184. Recipe Recommendation from the Ingredients Flutter App
185. Restaurant Employees Tip Calculator System App Flutter
186. Restaurant Table Booking Android Application
187. Retail Store Inventory & POS Checkout App
188. RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing
189. School Security System using RFID
190. Secure Digi Locker Application
191. Secure File Access System Android App
192. Secure File Sharing Using Access Control
193. ShareBook App Android Book Sharing Application
194. Shared Office Finder System Using Flutter
195. Smart Android Graphical Password Strategy
196. Smart Health Consulting Android System
197. Smart Home Automation System with Light Dimmer
198. Smart Time Table Generation Flutter App Using Genetic Algorithm
199. Spy Camera Android App
200. Staff Scheduling Android App
201. Stay Safe Security App With Scream Alert
202. Student Faculty Document Sharing Android Project
203. Teacher Tracking System Flutter
204. Text Translation App Using Google API
205. Time series Anomaly Detector App using Azure Cognitive Services
206. Timer Based Phone Silencer App
207. Tour Recommender App Using Collaborative Filtering
208. Traffic Rules and Traffic Signs Quiz APP
209. Train Food Ordering App
210. Trip Planner Android Application
211. University Referencing of Bibliography Android With Barcode Scan
212. V App : E College System for Blind Students
213. Vehicle Maintenance and Mileage Tracker App
214. Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using Android
215. Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking
216. Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired
217. Voice Authentication App using Microsoft Cognitive Services
218. Waste Food Management & Donation App
219. Wheelchair Guidance & Assistance App
220. Wifi Library Book Locator Project
221. Wireless Indoor Positioning System
222. Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API
223. YouTube Giveaway Manager App Using Flutter
224. Zapdroid Project: Managing Used Applications on Smartphones